Building Facades are expected to perform some of the most demanding roles. Beyond their ability to withstand wind loads, they need to prevent water penetration, control light and ventilation, and provide thermal and sound insulation. Economy however dictates that materials used be minimal, more standardisation and prefabrication occurs, and that projects be completed in shorter time frames. Aesthetics calls for ever-greater expanses of glass and the use of a wide palette of architectural materials.
These often-conflicting requirements provide designers and constructors with challenges in design and installation, and maintenance managers with upkeep and repair problems should the walling system fails, as commonly manifested in water seepage, air infiltration and dislodgments.
This course is designed to provide practical information on facades with emphasis on technical principles of design and installation, common defects/problems and, maintenance requirements and repair methods. Site inspections will be conducted if weather permits.
1. Introduction to External Walls and Claddings
- Functional Requirements
- Performance Criteria
- Systems and Materials Overview
2. Masonry Infill Panel Walls
- Overview: Design, Installation and Quality Control
- Common Defects: Minor, Serious, Critical
- Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair
3. In-Situ Concrete Walls
- Overview: Design, Installation and Quality Control
- Common Defects: Minor, Serious, Critical
- Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair
4. Precast Concrete Claddings
- Overview: Design, Installation and Quality Control
- Common Defects: Minor, Serious, Critical
- Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair
5. Metal Claddings
- Overview: Design, Installation and Quality Control
- Common Defects: Minor, Serious, Critical
- Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair
6. Stone Claddings
- Overview: Design, Installation and Quality Control
- Common Defects: Minor, Serious, Critical
- Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair
7. Curtain Walls
- Overview: Design, Installation and Quality Control
- Common Defects: Minor, Serious, Critical
- Diagnostics, Maintenance and Repair
Er. Richard Tai
Er. Richard Tai has a background in façade and structural engineering. He specializes in the design, engineering, assessment, construction, procurement and project management of building envelope systems.
He has 25 years working experience in the façade industry. He is currently an Associate with Arup Singapore Pte Ltd. His previous employment were with Dragages Singapore PL and Permasteelisa Holdings Pte Ltd.
Er. Yong Shan Chi
Er Yong, a Professional Engineer (Civil) has extensive design and construction management experience. He started in design work with the HDB, moving on to the private sector where he was involved in foundation engineering and precast concrete work. He was instrumental in introducing the Autoclaved Lightweight Masonry Wall system and was in the forefront of the UOB Tower project, the first building with unitised Curtain Walls. He has been involved in D&B projects in Singapore and China providing project management and engineering design support. Mr Yong has developed learning material for CITI and lectures in modules such as Building Envelope and Precast Concrete Water-Tightness for them.
Option 1 (Face-to-Face)
Venue: Unit #04-08, Devan Nair Institute for Employment & Employability
80 Jurong East St 21, Singapore 609607
Option 2 (Live Streaming via RECC Elearning Portal)
Username and password will be assigned on receipt of registration and course fees
$615 nett per person. Course fees includes full colour course documentation and refreshments at tea breaks.
NTUC members may claim up to $250 under the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP).
The course has been approved for 7 PDU units under the PE Board Continuing Professional Development programme. Attendance certificates will be issued; they may also be suitable for meeting the CPD requirements of other relevant professional bodies not operating a CPD course accreditation system.
The course will benefit those who have a vested interest in buildings including:
- Developers
- Building Owners
- Government Officials
- Architects
- Engineers
- Project Managers
- Quantity Surveyors
- Contractors/Sub-Contractors/Suppliers
- Property Managers
- Facilities Managers
- Maintenance Managers
- Management Corporations
- Town Councils
- and Others
Cancellations made one week before the scheduled commencement date of the course will be subjected to an administrative fee of $100.00. The full fee of $615.00 will be payable thereafter for any cancellation; substitutions can be made at any time.
Mr. Ken Chew
It may be necessary for reasons beyond RECC’s control, to change the content and timing of the programme and the identity of the course leader/s.
1 Day Training Course
16th Run
Building Facades
Design, Defects, Maintenance and Repair
Qualified for 7 PDUs by PE Board
$615.00 / person
Course Date & Timing:
24 April 2025, 09:00am to 6:00pm
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to provide practical information on facades with emphasis on technical principles of design and installation, common defects/problems and, maintenance requirements and repair methods. Site inspections will be conducted if weather permits.
Course Fees:
$615 nett per person.
NTUC members may claim up to $250 under UTAP to offset the course fees.