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Maintenance of Electrical Installations

Electrical distribution installations and systems are getting increasingly complex today and incorporate a wider range of equipment and related accessories.

For safety reasons, electrical distribution within buildings must comply with Codes of Practice. For maintenance servicing, a ready means of isolating certain parts of the whole circuit must be provided, normally in the form of main switches for each building and, for large buildings each sub-division. Electricity can pose great danger and any oversight in installation and maintenance can compromise the safety of building occupants and operatives.

Whilst not directly involved in hands-on work, managers and supervisors will require a working knowledge of the principles and practice of electrical installations and maintenance for overseeing and ensuring work quality and safety compliance.

The course will provide an understanding of the rudiments of electrical installations and maintenance and working knowledge for effective supervision of electrical maintenance work and safety procedures in connection.

Electricity and Electrical Systems

Electrical Regulations and Code of Practice

Electrical Installation and Supply in Buildings

Protection Against Over-Current and Short Circuit

Protection against Earth Leakage and Earth Fault

Inspection and Upkeep of Electrical Installations

Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Fittings

Inspection and Maintenance of Lightning Protection System

Inspection and Maintenance of Electrical Earthing System

Safe Work Practices

Jackson Ong
Mr Ong holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Real Estate Management from Oxford Brookes University. He is also a qualified Licensed Electrical Worker (LEW) Grade 8 with the Energy Market Authority Singapore and leads the operations and maintenance of Southeast Asia’s largest floating solar PV panel installation, with a capacity of 1 megawatt. He is also a certified Facility and Property Manager with SISV-AFPM and a registered Fire Safety Manager with the Singapore Civil Defence Force.


Lin Shiaw Ying
Mr Lin is an EMA Licensed Electrical Worker (Technician Grade) with over thirty years hands-on experience in electrical installation and maintenance in his earlier employment with several MNCs and a statutory board. Mr Lin currently runs his own practice and conducts lectures in customised courses for ITE and several other training providers.
Option 1 (Face-to-Face)Venue: Unit #04-08, Devan Nair Institute for Employment & Employability
80 Jurong East St 21, Singapore 609607

Option 2 (Live Streaming via RECC Elearning Portal)Username and password will be assigned on receipt of registration and course fees

$615 nett per person. Course fees includes full colour course documentation and refreshments at tea breaks.

In addition, NTUC members may claim up to $250 under the Union
Training Assistance Programme (UTAP).

The course has been approved for 7 PDU units under the PE Board Continuing Professional Development programme. Attendance certificates will be issued; they may also be suitable for meeting the CPD requirements of other relevant professional bodies not operating a CPD course accreditation system.

The course will benefit those who have a vested interest in buildings including:

  • Developers
  • Building Owners
  • Government Officials
  • Architects
  • Engineers
  • Project Managers
  • Quantity Surveyors
  • Contractors/Sub-Contractors/Suppliers
  • Property Managers
  • Facilities Managers
  • Maintenance Managers
  • Management Corporations
  • Town Councils
  • and Others

Cancellations made one week before the scheduled commencement date of the course will be subjected to an administrative fee of $100.00. The full fee of $615.00 will be payable thereafter for any cancellation; substitutions can be made at any time.

Mr Ken Chew
Tel: 6563 4166
Fax: 6563 4156 

It may be necessary for reasons beyond RECC’s control, to change the content and timing of the programme and the identity of the course leader/s.

1 Day Training Course

35th Run

Maintenance of Electrical Installations

Inspections, Preventive Measures & Safety
Qualified for 7 PDUs by PE Board

$615.00 / person

Course Date & Venue:

18 September 2024, 9:00am to 6:00pm

Course Objectives

The course will provide an understanding of the rudiments of electrical installations and maintenance and working knowledge for effective supervision of electrical maintenance work and safety procedures in connection.

Important Note:

In addition, NTUC members may claim up to $250 under the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP).

Number of Participants: